Friday, June 14, 2013

How to get Rid Of Mice

To get rid of mice, many people wish to repel and drive out critters before clearing away traps, locating dead carcasses hidden in walls, and shelling out the money to hire an exterminator. If you are looking for home remedies to get rid of mice, i will give you all's the following suggestions maybe one will suite your needs:

Peppermint and Peppermint Oil:

 Soak a cotton ball in the Peppermint oil and place it at a suspected entryway. If you are already battling a mice problem, sprinkle mint leaves in the parts of your home that the mice like to frequent. Mint is known to repel mice in most cases, but you must remember to replace old leaves with fresh ones on a regular basis.

Sprinkle some Chamomile leaves around your kitchen or garage ..mice hate the smell and they will disappear

 Some people have been successful in keeping mice away by sprinkling Bay leaves in their kitchen.

 If you place Mothballs around your garage, mice will look for other places to live. In the house, mothballs are used to deter mice from kitchen cupboards, drawers, and other storage spots.

 Are you looking for an effective bait to lure your unwanted visitor? The next time you lay traps, use Peanut butter as bait – a treat that a mouse cannot resist. Since the peanut butter is sticky, he or she is unable to swipe it before setting off a trap

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